• Introduction of innovative teaching methods for adult audiences in law enforcement

    Внедрение инновационных методов обучения для взрослых аудиторий в правоохранительных органах

    Буралкиева Б.Б., Мынжанов Е.К.


    This article discusses innovative approaches to learning that are effectively used for teaching the adult audience, such as simulation and problembased learning. In the paper the theoretical foundations and a brief historical background have been given. The features, strengths and weaknesses of both methods are analyzed. The necessity of introducing a mixed approach in order to achieve the greatest effectiveness in academic programs and professional development programs for law enforcement agencies is justified. Based on the conducted analysis the authors propose the use of a mixed method on the example of the training on “Laundering money obtained through information and communication technologies (ITC) and corruption crimes”. The article also discusses fundamental changes in the role of the tutor from the “tutor-supervisor” to the “teacher-facilitator”. The main advantage of the new mixed model is development of critical and extraordinary thinking of the listeners, as well as the improvement of skills for using them in practical activities.

    innovative methods of teaching simulation problem-based learning critical thinking the role of student and tutor

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