• Methodology for calculating certain types of procedural costs of criminal proceedings

    Методика расчета отдельных видов процессуальных издержек уголовного судопроизводства

    Омаров Е.А., Маханов Т.Г., Алимкулов Нур-Ахмет Сикимович

    Вестник Академии правоохранительных органов, №2 (16), 2020

    The scientific article is devoted to the calculation of procedural costs in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To determine the main elements that make up the procedural costs the authors studied the main scientific views on their concept and content. Moreover, the Criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not contain the concept of procedural costs, according to article 177 of the CPC only their types are specified. The definition of Procedural Costs given by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a regulatory decision also requires significant revision. As a result of the research the authors identified a gap in the criminal procedure legislation in terms of regulating the procedure for collecting expenses for the search and search of persons who disappeared during criminal proceedings. In this regard, the authors proposed a method for calculating the cost of the drive and search, which is proposed to be regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    procedural costs search drive expenses costs criminal proceedings operational search measures methodology calculations,

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